Saturday, February 12, 2005

PEUGEOT 607,406

this are owners comments.
Many minor electrical faults.
Heater packed up, took 3 dealer visits to fix, was in for 1 week as the whole dashboard had to be removed to replace the main control box and fans etc.
Replacement engine fitted at 40,000 miles during it's first recall. Dealer broke an injector in the head, no replacement heads available so new engine had to be fitted. Took several weeks to complete the work.
Second replacement engine at 66,000 miles. Engine started sucking the oil from the sump into the intake, continued running after the key was removed and carried on until it eventually seized, but only after engulfing both carriageways of the M6 in smoke.
Performance is now very poor since the last replacement engine and fuel consumption has dropped by 12 mpg.
Boot lock fails to release 7 times out of 10.
Drivers seat has broken and now rocks 1" back and forth.
Drivers window failed in the fully open position, requiring an emergency repair.
Air conditioning has now failed.
Probably forgotten some of the more minor reliability niggles.
This car is one of the best cars available at the price in this class.
The seating is extremely comfortable and the driving position can be adjusted to suit anybody.
The cabin and the boot space are vast.
The standard equipment is amazing, including dipping wing mirrors when reverse is selected, auto wipers, auto lights, seat memory, air bags galore. In fact you name it.



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